Especially for the College Student
As college students preparing for future careers, our program includes topics to develop skills that create a positive first impression, giving you the confidence to succeed!
Class Topics Include
- Introductions & Greetings
- First Impressions
- Dining & Proper Table Manners
- Business Dress & Appearance
- Building Networking Skills
- Communication
Introductions & Greetings: Learn whose name is spoken first for introductions, master the proper handshake, and making eye contact.
First Impressions: Learn the importance of the first impression and how to make it a positive one.
Dining & Table Manners: Learn about the 4-course meal, correct usage of utensils, American (Zig-Zag) and Continental styles of dining, uses of the napkin and understand table manners.
Business Dress & Apprearance: What your appearance says about you, Proper dress for interviews, planning a workable wardrobe (for the lady and gentlemen).
Networking: How to "work a room, "Turn On" and "Turn Off" conversations, What to do when you arrive at the party.
Today's Communication: Correct protocol for emails, social media & phone calls, Writing the perfect Thank-You note.
Character Education for Elementary, Middle and High School Students
A program that will teach students how to present themselves in a variety of situations, making them comfortable in the knowledge that they are creating a positive image right from the start.
By learning how to properly shake hands, make introductions, communicate properly, be respectful, and display proper table manners, students will have the confidence necessary to succeed.
As parents and guardians, we know that the child with self-esteem becomes the adult with confidence, poise and a good sense of self. By learning to blend contemporary manners with traditional etiquette, students are at ease with adults, their peers and most importantly, with themselves.
At the completion of the class, students "dress for dinner" as they master their way through, practicing their new skills!
Class Topics Include
- Rules of Introduction
- Cell Phone/Social Media Etiquette
- Dining Skills
- Social Correspondence